Thumbs up to cocktail mixing

It was thumbs up for Cocktail Mixing training conducted by National Training and Productivity Centre at Namaka Campus.

Impressed students described the three-day short course as interesting and lively.

Students said the course was much more than just learning how to make nice, stylish and tasty cocktails.

Arieta Lalabalavu from Tavara Island Resort said she had learnt much in just three days.

“I have learnt so many new ways of mixing a cocktail and the flavours that go with it. I wanted to study this programme because I want to be a good cocktail mixer and be able to satisfy the customers,” said the 25-year-old.

For Tuliana Ratu, the new wealth of knowledge was more than enough to start a career in food and beverage field.

“The course helped me to understand that there are different kinds of cocktails for different types of weather. I have not only learnt about how to make a cocktail but how to use electric equipment, types of glasses to be used for different types of cocktails, how to make a perfect mix using different kinds of ingredients and serving manners,” said Tuliana.

Wainisi Vavaloa said the short course was a window for great opportunities out there.

“This course is just awesome and thanks to NTPC, after doing this training, I am confident that I can get a job anywhere easily. We also learnt about OHS rules and regulations, how food is stored, the different types of restaurants with different kinds of course meals and how wine is served etc.”

She said the most exciting part about the course was that there were practical sessions after every special unit was taught.

“I find this short course very exciting and the timing for me is just right. I am very interested to work in the food and beverage industry and learn about the basic fundamentals of this service industry.

It is absolutely amazing and I got what I paid for and what I came here to learn,” said the student.

Course trainer Dr Akash Gupta said students‟ confidence, hardwork, zeal to learn and „yes we can attitude‟ was their biggest strength.

“Student‟s feedback is very positive not only for this particular module but for whole of Food and Beverage courses. They see change coming in them with every day of training. They are more knowledgeable, skilled and satisfied with what they have been offered. They are happy and confident they are on a right career path,” said Dr Gupta.

A total of 21 students underwent the short course held earlier this month.

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