Tappoo Sigatoka staff display national pride

This morning (9am)  a  team of about 70 staff members from Tappoo Sigatoka Store, hyped up the public by singing the National Anthem with a lot of pride &  patriotism.

This was an event they all had been waiting for to showcase their talent and also a very delightful activity enhancing team cohesion and being proud  to be a citizen of the beautiful isles of Fiji.

One of the core Values at Tappoo is “Love All , & Serve All”. This is something which is instilled in the team members each day, where they not only learn the technical part of the jobs but also to value each other, spread peace and non- violence and do what is right for themselves, the Company and the Country at large.

Tappoo Group of Companies is very Proud about their achievements for the past 70 years, and also is a company which fosters and nurtures the tourism industry by getting the right people to look after the guest. Our team members are always going above and beyond guest satisfaction and making sure that they have a memorial experience with us.

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Fiji Day!