Caption: SPSE CEO Jinita Prasad. File Photo.

Week in Review

The week under review concluded with the overall capitalisation of the market witnessing an increase of 0.74% ending at a value of $806,843,227. In terms of overall trading, Fijian Holdings Limited (FHL), Amalgamated Telecom Holdings Limited (ATH) and BSP Convertible Notes Limited (BCN) were the securities witnessing trades on the SPSE etrading platform with all three of these listed stocks seeing positive price returns of 0.67%, 1.20% and 7.54% respectively.

The SPSE Total Return Index (STRI) also took an upswing of 0.74%, which at close of trading on Friday stood at 1905.45. The positive price returns from the market heavy-weight, ATH, FHL and BCN led to this ascent. In terms of new order flow for this week, an aggregate consideration of $52,672 was recorded, out of which, 60.04% was being represented by an interest to purchase securities on the SPSE. New orders mostly emerged for FHL, RBG, ATH, FTV and BCN. On the aggregate order platform, the bid to offer ratio at close of trading on Friday stood at 1:1.

ATH continues to rank as the narrowest bid-offer margin security with a spread of $0.06 with Fiji Television Limited (FTV) still queuing as the widest bid to offer margin security with a spread of $0.95.

On the listed company market announcements platform, only one announcement was recorded. BCN declared a dividend for its shareholders. This is the first dividend paid to the BCN shareholders after mandatorily converting from notes to Fiji Class shares last month. BCN dividends are tagged to its Parent Company’s (BSP PNG) dividend.

For further information, please feel free to contact us on 330 4130 or e-mail on info@spse.com.fj

Jinita Prasad

Chief Executive
