SPSE CEO Jinita Prasad.

The South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPSE) has resumed its series of investment seminars to be conducted over lunch hours in its continued efforts to promote stock market investments this year.

The interest from the public is apparent and growing as more and more people realise the need for financial literacy so that they can bridge the gap between their current financial status and their future financial goals. The Exchange aims to disseminate sufficient information through this investment seminar on general saving and investing options with the main focus on the returns that have been and can be generated from the stock market.

SPSE Chief Executive, Ms Jinita Prasad said “you can be well aware of your financial objectives but they could take forever to achieve unless you put in place a regular saving and investing plan now. These seminars will help you understand how the stock market can help you in reaching your financial goals through consistent regular investing alongside sound financial advice from licensed brokers.”

Ms Prasad also added that the average market return from SPSE listed securities during 2013 was 9.0%. In considering such returns, one should be mindful of the fact that all returns from SPSE share investment – dividend return and the price gain – are exempt from all taxes for residents. The recent exemption from Income Tax now allows resident investors to actively buy and sell shares which will help bring more depth and liquidity in to the market.

During this seminar, participants will be able to consult investment advisers and stock broker representatives to receive direct recommendations and advice. Those people who already hold investments in the stock market will also get a chance to understand the latest developments in the stock market and review their investment strategies.

Similar to previous sessions, the program will include a brief introduction by the Exchange followed by one of the investment adviser representative outlining general investing tips, evaluating risks and returns and other fundamentals of share market investing. The presentation will also have a Question and Answer session. The attendees will be given a chance to interact with the licensed stockbrokers present and even place orders to purchase shares in securities most suited to their financial objectives.

The designated venue of the seminar is at the DeVos on the Park in Suva on 27th March 2014 commencing at 1pm.

This is a free of charge event, however registration is vital. Registrations can be done by calling the SPSE office on 330 4130 or e-mailing your interests on info@spse.com.fj

Should you require any further information on the issue, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jinita Prasad

Chief Executive
