SPC is hosting a regional workshop on education statistics and indicators for the Pacific region, jointly organized by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Statistics for Development Division.

This workshop is part of an ongoing collaboration between the UIS and SPC to support and improve the statistical capacity in the Pacific and will provide an opportunity for dialogue between national education statisticians, the UIS and SPC and other partners.

The demand for data on education in the Pacific has never been greater both at the national and regional levels. In most Pacific Islands large scale household surveys and censuses are now conducted periodically, along with regular national administrative databases known as Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) collect data directly from schools. These data collection activities complement each other well and provide a lot of detailed information on population, health, education, household income and expenditure, employment and other. This is important for making evidence based decisions, however in many instances the information from these data collection efforts is underutilised.

This workshop focuses in particular on the new revision of the International Standard Classification of Education; ISCED 2011. ISCED is a framework for the compilation and presentation of national and international education statistics and indicators. It covers all organized and sustained learning activities for children, young people and adults including those with special educational needs. The basic concepts and definitions are intended to be universally valid and applicable to the particular circumstances of a national education system.

SPC and UIS along with PIFS and other partners have already forged some strong contacts with key Education staff in Pacific Island countries and this workshop is a major part of the Pacific Education Development Framework (regions M&E framework) and SPCs development of a Ten Year Pacific Statistics Strategy (TYPSS).

Furthermore the establishment of a regional facility at the SPC to provide structured support to Pacific Island countries (PICs) to strengthen the effectiveness of their Education Management Information Systems (EMIS), is hoped will lead to better education policies, decision making and resource allocation. This is anticipated to be a long-term investment which aligns well with support under the Ten-Year Pacific Statistics Strategy (TYPPS) and will likely commence mid-way through this year.