Republic of the Marshall Islands Trade & Investment Mission to Fiji



Thursday, 11th June 2014 – Majuro, Marshall Islands – An inbound Trade and Investment Mission from the Republic of the Marshall Islands will take place next week in Fiji next week from 15th June – 18th June 2015.
The Trade and Investment Mission will be led by RMI’s Minister of Finance – Hon. Mr Jack Ading.
The delegation accompanying him will consist of representatives from the RMI Chamber of Commerce, The Office of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Resources and Development’s Trade Division, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Majuro Local Government, Tobolar, Party to Nauru Agreement Association (PNA), Marshall Islands Development Bank, Marshall Islands National Telecom Authority, Non-Government Organizations such as Women United in the Marshall Islands (WUTMI), Women Enterprising, and Private Sector entities of the RMI Chamber of Commerce.
The Trade and Investment Mission intends to create a threshold for new business partnerships, joint ventures, and other business opportunities between the RMI and Fiji through a one-day joint forum with Nadi and Lautoka Chamber of Commerce members, one-day Trade and Investment Forum in Suva, industrial site visits and one to one meetings with interested Companies, Non-Government Organizations, and Government sectors in Fiji.
Mrs Mereia Volavola, the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization (PIPSO), CEO said in their support to the trade/investment forum “PIPSO supports regional business connection to enhance regional economic integration and trade in the Pacific and even more so those from the North Pacific. It’s important that small island development states like RMI are supported in their effort to enhance trade links with Fiji. Private Sector businesses have been fortunate to have the Business Development Fund facility which is supported by the Japanese Government to undertake trade missions as such.

The RMI Minster of Finance Hon. Mr Jack Ading speaking on the impending visit to Fiji: “This is an important milestone for both the RMI and Fiji Governments, because it offers an opportunity for the two countries to strengthen their relationships where interests and goals are pertinent. It is a platform for both private and Government sectors of the two countries to introduce and market their products and businesses to one another. Hence, opportunity is presented for exploration of areas for potential partnerships, joint ventures, and working towards the common goal for economic and human resource development. The benefit of the Forum will be for both countries where exchangeable markets and ideas could be shared through this event.”

The Office of Commerce & Investment (OCI) from RMI, the main coordinator and facilitator of this Trade and Investment Mission to Fiji, through their CEO – Ravuni Uluilakeba, expressed the OCI Board’s appreciation by saying: “The Trade/Investment mission to Fiji is made possible through sponsorship & assistance from the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization (PIPSO), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Fiji Export Council, RC Manubhai, Joe’s Farm Produce, Best West Hexagonal Hotel, Investment Fiji, Office of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RMI Embassy-Suva, Air Nauru, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Marshall Islands Development Bank, Marshall Islands Journal, and Rongelap Atoll Local Government. These Private, Govt entities and Regional institutions rallied behind OCI on their financial support. It is indeed a great privilege and we are so gratified for the support.”

The Trade/Investment mission schedule of events will have the following program with their respective locations.
15th June, 2015 – Joint Morning tea/presentation with the Nadi/Lautoka & Fiji Hotel Western association members from 9 – 10.30am at the Best West, Hexagonal – Na Bose, conference room in Nadi.
16th June, 2015 – Full day trade/investment forum at the Tanoa Plaza, Suva from 9.00 to 5.00pm.
17 – 18th June, 2015 – One to one meeting and industrial site visits in Suva, Nasinu & Nausori.

Press Release