Monday, 29 July 2013. The Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO) in collaboration with the Institute for International Trade at the University of Adelaide, is holding a workshop focused on building the capacities of the private sector on the trade agreements and to be able to maximise on the opportunities that they offer.  This workshop has been made possible with the kind support of the AUSAID.

The workshop will work with private sector business people from across the Pacific on how they can make use of trade agreements to promote Pacific exports and imports.  It will tackle such issues as complex rules of origin and to how to ensure their voices are heard in trade negotiations.  There will be a series of practical case studies from around the Pacific as well as an opportunity for participants to share their experiences on various trade associated matters.  Below is an outline of the planned workshop:

  • Overview of Trade and Trade Agreements (from Multilateral – WTO to Regional and Bilateral);
  • Trade in Goods-Tariff liberalisation, Rules of Origin, Agriculture, SPS, TBT, NAMA;
  • Trade in Services;
  • Trade and Development-Special and Differential Treatment and Aid for Trade;
  • Update on PICTA implementation, EPA and PACER+ negotiations.

Ultimately, this workshop should enable PIPSO and the business people attending to identify some key areas where the private sector can contribute to trade negotiations including where the business sector needs support to overcome local capacity problems.  The workshop will discuss these constraints and see if there are other training needs which need to be addressed in the future and enable them to make more informed contributions to the formulation of both national and regional trade policies.

As PIPSO looks forward to participating more actively in deliberations on multilateral and regional trade agreements, this workshop also provides an ideal opportunity to  be able to consult with members’ as to how best we can further our engagement with regional partners as well as best represent private sector interests at such Forums.