CAPTION: PM Bainimarma talks to students of Wainimala Secondary School. Photo: MINFO.

Educational reforms through removing barriers to learning and expanding access to education undertaken by government were today highlighted by Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama.

Visiting the Wainimala Secondary School and Ratu Alipate Primary School in the village of Laselevu, Naitasiri Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama said that government was continuing with initiatives such as the free bus fare and free textbooks schemes to assist all Fijians in accessing education.

“A cornerstone of my government is that education should be accessible to all Fijians,” PM Bainimarama said.

“An educated younger generation with knowledge and access to resources is a key to Fiji’s future success and prosperity.”

The head of government also reiterated to parents and guardians of Wainimala Secondary School and Ratu Alipate Primary School on government’s commitment to building new classrooms for Classes 1 – 3.

“Government is concerned with these children – at such a young age, leaving home and staying away from their parents to go to boarding school,” PM Bainimarama said.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister has approved a priority list of educational needs proposed by the school management of the two schools.

This includes the construction of additional teachers quarters, building of more classroom blocks and renovating and upgrading the laboratories, student hostels and ablution blocks.

Wainimala Scondary School head teacher, Cilia Navoti said that the students were fortunate and privileged to be visited by the Prime Minister and having their request for assistance approved by the head of government.

“We are pleased that the Prime Minister has visited us today as previously only education officers used to visit our school,” Ms Navoti said.

“There is new hope for the students now with the Prime Minister approving our development plans considering the remote location of this school.

Wainimala Secondary School has a roll of 165 students and caters for villagers from Udu, Laselevu, Nasalia, Nawaisomo and Lutu.