Police News Updates 06.02.13

MEDIA RELEASE – 6th February 2013 

  1. Police to continue search for missing woman in Taveuni

Police in Taveuni are continuing their search for a 40 year-old woman missing while out for fishing last Saturday in Taveuni.

Officers involved in the search have been advised by Police Headquarters in Suva to continue the search.

Makarita Bogidrau of Soqulu was reported by relatives at the Taveuni Police Station on Saturday as missing when she failed to return home from a fishing trip.

Search was conducted immediately after the report was received with police officers and members of the communities assisting.




  1. Police investigates alleged rape case in Lau

A 70 year-old man is in police custody in Lakeba after he was implicated in a rape case involving a 10 year-old girl in an island in Lau over the weekend.

The matter was reported to police by the victim’s father who witnessed in the alleged incident.

It was alleged that the victim was sent on an errand by her father  to get something from their own house.


Whilst the victim was searching for the item,  the 70 year-old suspect entered and allegedly raped the victim.


The suspect was disturbed by the victims’ father who followed her into their house.

Police is again appealing to members of the community, stakeholders, religious bodies and traditional leaders to join in the fight against the decline in morality in our society as revealed by statistics below.

Police statistics reveals that the number of rape cases from January till now totals up to 50 cases with the Central Police Division recording – one, Northern Division – 13 , Eastern Division- 11 Southern Division – 12 , Western Division 12and the month of February recorded one case till now.
