Police News Update 25.03.13

1. Police remind taxi drivers

Fiji Police are advising taxi drivers to be cautious of whom they chose to pick and if they feel unsafe at any point in time to drive to their nearest community post or police station and seek assistance.

This plea comes after five youths robbed a taxi driver yesterday around 3am in the morning along Namara Road.

The Suspects taped both hands and legs of victim left him in the boot and drove his taxi which they later parked at Nasinu Rd and fled.

The victim managed to free himself and drove his taxi to Valelevu Police Station.

He received injuries was treated and sent home. Investigations are continuing.

2. Fire

Badrau Settlement, Ba, a 55 x 20 feet 4 bedroom house made of corrugated iron and timber was completely destroyed with all its contents.

The cause of fire is not known and cost of damage is about $100,000.00.

Investigations are continuing.

3. Theft of motor vehicle

Two cases of theft of motor vehicle were reported this weekend.

The first incident occurred at JJ’s cark park where a white Nissan Sunny Registration number ES 812 was stolen and was later abandoned along Sawani Road.

The second incident occurred in Fulaga Street where a Grey Nissan Sunny Registration number CN 541 was stolen and was later abandoned at Farm Road, Nakasi.

Fiji Police is advising vehicle owners to park their vehicles at safe place to prevent such events from occurring.