Police Gears Up for Hibiscus

Fiji Police Force is prepared for the upcoming second term school holidays and the Hibiscus Festival. Police will this weekend start its monitoring operations as part of the preparation to the school holiday operations.

They will monitor school students moving about during day time and they will also monitor nightclubs at night. Monitoring student’s movement during day time will give Police ideas on where most students will spend their day during the coming two weeks break.

Night Clubs will also be monitor and club owners have been working with Police to ensure that students produce identification card upon entry.

Police continue to raise awareness to nightclub owners on underage entry and they will work together to ensure that minors will be turned away.

Not only will Police focus on students during the school break, the Hibiscus Festival will also be on the Police agenda. Police are calling on parent’s assistance by monitoring their children’s movement and limit their visit to the City area.

With just a week left until the second term school Holidays, the Fiji Police Force is gearing up to provide security and to ensure that the school break goes smoothly and everyone to enjoy an incident free Mother of all Festivals, the Hibiscus Festival.



Series of fire in Lautoka

Police are concern at the number of fire reports received within the last 24 hours.

Yesterday, at Lomolomo, Lautoka, a partly concrete and corrugated five bedroom house got completely destroyed by fire with the total loss of $120,000.00.

The fire which spread from the neighboring sugar cane farm due to strong winds completely burn down the house. The occupants was at home when the fire started tried to put out the fire but failed to do so.

In a separate incident at Saint Thomas High School in Natabua, Lautoka early yesterday morning, an old building made of iron and timber was destroyed by fire with the total value of $20,000.00.

The building was used as the caretaker’s room and also a canteen. Both of the Buildings above were not insured.

In another incident in Lautoka yesterday during lunch hour, the Port’s Terminal engine room caught fire and efforts by workers to put the fire out failed.

The National Fire Authority arrived and managed to put the fire out.

A forklift was partly burned, there were no casualties and cost of damages is yet to be established.