Nadi town quickly recovers to get back on track

Caption: Nadi Town. Photo: NADI TOWN COUNCIL.


Massively affected by Tropical Cyclone Evan that took place late last year, the Jet Set town of Nadi is experiencing a lot of maintenance to get back on track.

Speaking to The Jet Newspaper, Nadi Town Council CEO, Nemia Tagi said the council have been working closely with the contractors to work on the affected areas.

“Our contractors have fixed the roof of the Nadi municipal market that was blown away by the cyclone. And in Namaka market, the council and the contractors are still pushing ahead with the repairs.”

“We have finished fixing fifty percent of the damaged street lights and we’re currently working on the rest of the damage ones,” he said.

Tagi said they have paid the contractors for the good work being done.

“We have already paid our contractors for the repairs they have done with the Namaka Industrial Buildings.”

“They have also finished repairing the damages at the Prince Park Pavilion and now working on the flood lights,” he said.

Tagi later thanks the stake holders, shops and businesses of the town for their resilience.