Nadi Students Keen to Learn at Holiday School

Caption: Class in progress. Photos: SUPPLIED. 


Projects Abroad Fiji is continuing their Holiday school programme with students from different schools in Nadi, attending the programme at Namaka Public School.

Students show off their Mother's Day cards.J

Students show off their Mother’s Day cards.J

During school break every year, Projects Abroad organizes a programme for the children to enjoy and to keep themselves occupied throughout their holidays.

Today, as part of their programme, the Nadi students created Mother’s Day Cards for upcoming Mother’s Day in May and have written how much they love their mothers.  For some who have lost their mothers, they created a card for their grandmother or guardian who plays the mother role in their family.  It was a great time for them to reflect on the little things they take for granted.

The students are absolutely enjoying the programme as it is much different to their everyday school life.  The programme includes fun learning activities such as arts & craft, singing and sports which were the most enjoyed activities compared to the revision classes.

Projects Abroad volunteer attends to student.

Projects Abroad volunteer attends to student.

A total of 70 plus students in Nadi have joined the Holiday School programme and it has certainly boosted their progress in learning. The Deputy Director for Projects Abroad, Mr Prashneel Goundar said that “in our fifth year of operations the Holiday School has grown to an important event in the calendar for which preparations begin months in advance”. We ensure that the students attending the classes get the most from the volunteers who come from various countries such as Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, America, Korea just to name a few.

The Projects Abroad Holiday school programme will be continuing throughout the two week break.