Primary and Secondary Schools around the country can look forward to more cricket competitions within the next term, as plans have been put in place by the Cricket Fiji Development manager Saiasi Fuli to extend competitions to suss out maximum potential.

Primary School Cricket Competitions have been scheduled throughout Viti Levu in the last two weeks in an effort to get more children involved in the sport.

“The different zones will continue their competitions on a regular basis in order to build up participating schools in their respective zones.”

“We have a couple of new zones like Kadavu, Ba, Labasa, Lautoka and Nasinu and the extension will offer more game time for students to master the basics of cricket, build score cards, create more awareness and then hold a national tournament.”

Whilst emphasis has been placed on primary schools lately, Fuli plans to continue and apply the same changes to high schools.

“We are focusing on expanding school participation before engaging competitions. The same will apply for secondary schools but transition of soft ball to hard will apply the Under 16s.”

The national competitions is expected to be held by the mid of term two. Current zones that have been participating in the Primary Schools competitions include Suva, Lautoka and Tailevu.