1. NEW GRADUATE TEACHERS TO ASSIST NSAAC – The National Substance Abuse Advisory Council (NSAAC) is implementing a new initiative this year on the training of graduate teachers to volunteer and assist the NSAAC staff in the conduct of their Training and Awareness Program.


  1. MORNING TEA TO RAISE CANCER PROFILE IN FIJI – The 2014 “Bushells Fiji biggest Morning Tea” was launched today by the Minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni.


  1. NORTHERN FARMERS ENCOURAGED TO TAKE UP RICE FARMING – Farmers in the Northern Division have been encouraged to start rice farming to supplement income.


  1. FSC BURE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC – The Fiji Sports Council has opened its newly constructed recreation facility for the public to use.





The National Substance Abuse Advisory Council (NSAAC) is implementing a new initiative this year on the training of graduate teachers to volunteer and assist the NSAAC staff in the conduct of their Training and Awareness Program.


The training will focus on the area of Drug and Substance Abuse, Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) or Lifestyle Related Diseases, Health Promotion, HIV and AIDS, Adolescent Reproductive Health, Child Abuse, Violence Against Girls and Women, School Related Gender Based Violence and Basic Counseling Skills.


The idea of the Volunteer Scheme was raised during the consultation between the Permanent Secretary for Education and the Permanent Secretary for Public Service Commission.


The Volunteer Scheme is in accordance with Clause 75 of the National Employment Centre (NEC) Decree No. 54 of 2009.  The purpose of the Volunteer Scheme is to promote a strong sense of civic pride and to address social problems.


“Having the volunteers will greatly assist NSAAC in terms of creating awareness and raising issues that young people face. Likewise it provides employment to the new graduates and enables them to earn some income to supplement family income and their needs”, says Mr Driubalavu the CEO of NSAAC.


Further, it also provides productive forms of personal and professional development to the new graduate teachers richly adding values to the nation in the most cost effective and caring ways through free contribution of efforts, skills and time in the work that they will do for the health and protection of children and youth.


The training of these Volunteers will be held in Nadave from 8th September – 2nd October, 2014 and this initiative is financially supported by the Public Service Commission and the Ministry of Education.


Various Government Departments and Non-Government Organisations will facilitate the training.






The 2014 “Bushells Fiji biggest Morning Tea” was launched today by the Minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni.


The event which started in 2006 and organised annually by the Fiji Cancer Society, is designed to raise awareness on cancer in the country and at the same time build a cancer hospice in Fiji.


In launching the event, the Minister said that the initiative is not only a way to raise funds and awareness but also encourages networking and discussion on cancer.


“Over 300 thousand dollars was raised between the years 2006 to 2012 which was used in the Society’s “Patient & Client care” program,” Dr Luveni told participants and guests at today’s morning tea.


‘In Fiji, cancer is the third leading cause of deaths which accounts for 10 percent of all deaths and almost three times more in females compared to males.”


Dr Luveni said the challenge that needs to be addressed is to reduce statistics through awareness programs, cancer screening, timely treatment and counselling.


The Ministry of Social Welfare had set up a wellness centre at the recent Women’s Expo which will be coordinated and facilitated by the Ministry of Health and Fiji Cancer Society.


An average of 80 to 100 organisations participate in the tea event each year.


A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was also signed between the Fiji Cancer Society and Motibhai Group for an additional five years to work on Bushells Fiji Biggest Morning Tea campaign.


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Farmers in the Northern Division have been encouraged to start rice farming to supplement income.


Government’s Acting Commissioner Northern Alipate Bolalevu said his office has encouraged farmers to start rice farming. He has also urged rice farmers in the North to plant more rice to meet current demand.


“We are working together with Rewa Rice and the farmers for the revitalisation of the rice industry.”


Mr Bolalevu said the training conducted by the Integrated Human Resource Development Program (IHRDP), the Northern Development Program (NDP) and the Agriculture Ministry has been a boost for farmers.


IHRDP Manager Aslma Khan said farmers from Nabua in Cakaudrove are already taking part in a rice-planting program.


“15 tonnes of rice has been harvested so far with the value of $11,250.00.”


Mr Khan said seven tonnes of rice has already been sold to Rewa Rice Company in Dreketi with a value of $5,250.00.


“The remaining 8 tonnes has been retained by the villagers for their own consumption.”


He said that 56 farmers are benefiting from the rice-planting project.






The Fiji Sports Council has opened its newly constructed recreation facility for the public to use.


The Fiji Sports Council Deputy Board Chairman Ifereimi Vasu opened the FSC Bure and the Vasu Bar at the Laucala Bay in Suva this week.


Mr Vasu highlighted that the plans for the facility were in the pipeline for two years to serve the stakeholders and people who use the ANZ Stadium.


“We have been serving the VIPs and the corporate bodies in the corporate boxes and we often forget our very important customers who are out here in the embankment.


“So finally after two years, this bure will now give the chance to the spectators and interested customers to use the facility as a venue to socialise and buy refreshments,” Colonel Vasu said.


This event was attended by relevant stakeholders and guests were pleased with the facility as the venue will also be hired out for special occasions and will be available seven days a week.