Caption: Mens First place – Taf’aga’ To’a Team 1. Photo: SUPPLIED.

The marathon season for Fiji’s outrigger paddlers is well under way with the second regatta taking place at the FDB Foreshore last Saturday 19th April, after a successful first outing on 5th April.

A total of 20 teams from 6 clubs and 120 paddlers took to the water on Saturday, over half them junior paddlers, showing Fiji Outrigger’s strong commitment to developing the youth base of the sport.

The mens race distance increased from 15km in the first regatta to 18km but that did not dampen participation with 7 mens teams taking part as in the first race of the season. Taf’aga To’a Team 1 took first place, adding a second victory to their win on 5th April.

Kaiwai Camakau improved from third to second place, while a mixed Walu Va’a’/Kaiwai/Takia/Taf’aga team finished in third place.

Pacific Harbour's winning U19 Boys Team photo credit-PHCC

Pacific Harbour’s winning U19 Boys Team photo credit-PHCC

Although there was no women’s race, 12 junior teams aged from 19 to under 10 years took to the waters at the foreshore in very good conditions for paddling.

In the Boys U19 division, the up and coming Pacific Harbour Canoe Club took first place, with Kaiwai placing 2nd and 3rd.

In the U16 Boys Division, Takia Boys Team 1 won the race with Pacific Harbour in 2nd and Takia’s second team in 3rd.

In the Juniors Girls and Mixed races, PacificHarbour’s U16 mixed team finished first, with the Taf’aga U14 mixed team coming in second and the Takia U16 girls coming in third.

A special mention also goes to the Kaiwai Manumanus team of under 10 year olds who got out on the water and showed everyone their skills.

The next regatta in the Fiji Outrigger marathon season will be on Saturday 3rd May.