Launch of the VTC – APTC Partnership Agreement

Caption: From left:Executive Chairman of Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC) –  Dr Richard Wah, APTC CEO -Denise O’Brien, President of the Ramakrishna Mission Fiji – Swami Aparokshananda and Acting Australian High Commissioner, His Excellency Mr. Glenn Miles . PHOTO BY: MARGARET NAQIRI.

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On Wednesday 14 August Swami Vivekananda College of Nadi hosted the launch of an exciting partnership between the Vivekananda Technical Center and the Australia Pacific Technical College (APTC). This partnership will deliver the technical and vocational skills training qualifications underpinned by the Australian quality system.

APTC is an Australian government funded initiative, managed by Australian Agency for international Development (AusAID)

Distinguished guests at the launch included Mr. Glenn Miles, Acting Australian High Commissioner, Dr Richards Wah, executive Chairman of Fiji higher Education Commission (FHEC) and MR Renato Mele, First Counselor, head of Operations, Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific.

Mr. Glenn Miles was pleased to announce that, “The FJD490,000 partnership will mean that more Fiji citizens can give valued professional and technical qualifications and a path way to higher learning with APTC or other institutes that provide international standard qualifications.”

“It is estimated that for every 100 children entering primary school in the Pacific region only three (3) enter a university and another three (3) enter other post-secondary training. We all want to see these figures change. Working together, APTC trainers and Vivekananda Technical Centre management and teachers will also focus on ensuring enhanced training options for students that are recognized as higher quality nationally (and internationally). This partnership, like several others across the Pacific, will see APTC trainers working together with Vivekananda Tech management and teachers to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the Vivekananda Tech local trainers, as a priority, “said Mr. Glenn Miles.

The nationally and internationally recognized training standards will be achieved through APTC supporting the development of VTC teaching staff to, map the curriculum of exciting VTC content and delivery methods of Australian Quality Framework Certificate II level qualifications in Automotive, Mechanical and Cookery and develop educational recourses for the TEVET Pathways Pilot.

Capability development will be supported through, the provision of up to four scholarships for VTC trainers in areas of Automotive and Cookery, coaching and mentoring by qualified trainers for teachers employed at VTC to deliver the TVET Pathways Pilot program, and up to six VTC trainers accessing the APTC teacher education program – a certificate 4 in Training and Assessment.

As Pacific economies continue to grow, these skills will be crucial in supporting new workforce needs.

“Iam pleased that we are partnering with Vivekananda Technical Centre – a much admired college of teaching, learning and training, here in Fiji”, said Mr. Glenn Miles. “I thank Swami Tadananda, Director VTC and his team for their strong commitment to the highest levels for this region. I wish all current and prospective students the best of luck for their studies and I urge you all to embrace the opportunities that have been presented through this partnership.

Source: APTC (Press Release)