Hot competition at Coastal Great Eight

Upsets are expected at the Coastal Great Eight Sevens which kicks off Friday, November 1 at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka.
Thirty-two teams have entered the tournament chasing a position in the Bayleys Fiji Coral Coast Sevens which starts on 14 November, and Tovolea, Coastal Senibiau and Seniboro are among those who will be looking to rock the establishment.

“Teams like Tokatoka Resort, Wardens Gold, Daveta and Coastal Ratu Filise should be there or thereabouts as they normally are,” said Tournament Director Jay Whyte. “However, I think several new teams could come through as well.

“There is certainly a sense of anticipation as these 32 teams, up from 24 last year, really want to win their way through to the ‘champion of champions’ at the Bayleys Fiji Coral Coast Sevens, which offers a $30,000 first prize.

“The Coastal Great Eight is enables any and all teams, be they well established big clubs right down to new and small village teams, to have a chance to compete against the best,” Whyte continued.

“The top eight from this weekend go on to face the Fitness First Central Coast Sevens champions Northern Suburbs (Sydney), the Middlesex Sevens Champions Pakuranga (Auckland) or the Shangri-La USA Falcons from the Serevi Rugbytown Sevens in Glendale, Colorado.”

Last year’s Great Eight winners, Red Rock have automatically qualified for this year’s Coral Coast Sevens, which features 24 men’s and 12 women’s teams, international referees and Chief Guest Ben Gollings.

“Winning the Coral Coast Sevens opens up pathways to these partner tournaments around the world, and the opportunities are endless when you are crowned Champion of the Bayleys Fiji Coral Coast Sevens!,” said Whyte

Play kicks off at 09:40 on Friday and 10:00 on Saturday. Entry is free.

Meanwhile, tickets for the Bayleys Fiji Coral Coast Sevens, which is also sponsored by Goodman Fielder Fiji, Total Fiji Ltd, Fiji Airways, Outrigger on the Lagoon • Fiji, Warwick Fiji Resort & Spa, The Naviti Resort, Fiji Hideaway Resort & Spa, Coastal Rental Cars, Shangri-La’s Fijian Resort & Spa, Fiji Chemicals Diversey, the Tappoo Group of Companies, Nivea Men, Serevi Rugby and Sigatoka River Safari are now on sale.

A: Tokatoka Resort, Dritabua, Cuvu Barbarians, Guardforce
B: Daveta, Lomaiviti Barbarians, Sofitel, Colo West Warriors
C: Wardens Gold, Mala Young Boys, East Bank Conua, Tabadamu
D: Army, Suva Stallions, Shop 2 Save Kuata, Wainivula Eels
E: Wardens Green, Coastal Senibiau, Central Barbarians, New Dawn
F: Covenant, Tovolea, Police, Kula Young Boys
G: Tale Barbarians, Western Wardens, Vulimono Rugby, Sandhill
H: Coastal Ratu Filise, Uluinikau, Nasalo Young Boys, Crusoes