FNU signs MOU with Solomon Islands National University

CAPTION: SINU Vice Chacellor Dr Glynn Galo shakes hand with FNU Vice Chacellor Dr Ganesh Chand.

Fiji National University and the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on FNU’s Nasinu Campus today.

FNU Vice Chancellor, Dr Ganesh Chand said the MOU will profoundly benefit both universities.

Dr Chand said the signing was a significant step towards providing new educational opportunities for both sides.

He said that at the same time, the partnership will provide FNU an ideal opportunity to learn on challenges and solutions relating to education access to people in the islands.

Pro Chancellor for SINU, Sir Nathaniel Maena, said the MOU will embrace new opportunities for both the Universities.

“We are here for this moment to write history with the signing of a MOU between the two universities which should wrap up our hope and aspirations as a new university in the region.

“What we will sign this afternoon will enhance both educational institutions.”

The MOU is for a five year term covering:

~ Exchange of students;

~ Exchange off visiting research scholars;

~ Joint offering of degree programmes in the field of (specific area);

~ Joint research projects in the field of ((specific area);

~ Participation in international conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops and other activities agreed by both parties;

~ Exchange off academic materials and other information;

~ Support by FNU in the development of SINU through offering of FNU courses and or programmes at SINU. This could include;

~ Delivery of FNU programmes in partnership with SINUU;

~ Franchising of FNU programmes;

~ Training of Trainers;

~ Articulation of SI NU graduates to FNU programmes.