Disease detectives on-the-ground in Solomon Islands

Heavy rains from 3 to 5 April 2014 resulted in flash flooding in Honiara, the capital city of Solomon Islands.

The Government declared a state of emergency in Honiara and the rest of Guadalcanal province. Over 52,000 people are affected across the country; many have lost their homes and livelihoods. There were 22 reported deaths.

“Now the main concern is preventing disease outbreaks. We are working closely with Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) to provide necessary support, including strengthening surveillance to rapidly detect disease outbreaks and other potential health risks related to food and water contamination,” says Audrey Aumua, Acting WHO Representative in Solomon Islands.

WHO and the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services are leading the health response, and together with development partners and other health agencies are working to ensure coordinated and effective external assistance is available where needed to save lives.

The floods in Solomon Islands on 3-5 April 2014 caused massive damage to people and properties in Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province.

To date, the Government has reported 52 000 people affected and more than 10 000 displaced.The flash floods disrupted the delivery of health services and exposed children, women and men into various health risks.

More than 9 000 people are currently staying in about 26 evacuation centres

The health needs from the flooding are significant. WHO specialists are on-the-ground and are working with the Government to match the needs of the affected communities.