Dates for 45th Pacific Islands Forum and Related Meetings Confirmed

Tuesday 18 February 2014. The 45th Pacific Islands Forum and related meetings will be held from 29 July to 01 August 2014 in Koror, Republic of Palau.

The dates have been confirmed following consultations between the Government of the Republic of Palau, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and Forum members.

The schedule for the 45th Pacific Islands Forum and related meetings is as follows:

Tuesday 29 July 2014
Smaller Islands States Leaders Meeting

Wednesday 30 July 2014
45th Pacific Islands Forum Plenary Session

Thursday 31 July 2014
Forum Leaders’ Retreat

Friday 01 August 2014
26th Post-Forum Dialogue Partners Plenary Session

Senior officials’ meetings will be held at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat headquarters in Suva in preparation for the 45th Pacific Islands Forum, as follows:

Pre-Forum Forum Officials Committee meeting: 2 and 3 July 2014
Smaller Islands States Officials meeting: 1 July 2014