
Warwick International Hotels – Fiji, is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms. Mereisi Ratulevu to the newly created position of Community Liaison Officer.

Over the years, The Warwick Fiji, Naviti Resort and Tambua Sands Resort have contributed financial, construction & building assistance and employment opportunities to the 8,000 strong members of their neighbouring communities.

The role of this new and exciting addition to the Warwick management team is to serve as an advocate for the Resorts and to be an ambassador for the community to enhance the relationship between the local community stakeholders, local municipalities and the Resorts. Mere will help identify and address long and short term challenges and work with the community toward problem resolution. Additionally she will assist the Resorts with media interviews and coordinate with the various communities Turaga-Ni-Koro’s, in order to strengthen community relations.

Mere’s experience with our local community, along with her passion and commitment to serving community needs, will benefit the Warwick International Hotels – Fiji, as an organization, and will be extremely valuable to the community as The Resorts work together in developing and refining their Corporate Social Priorities.

Regional General Manager for Warwick International Hotels – Pacific, Mr. Dean Swaagman said “The appointment of Mere as our Community Liaison Officer further strengthens our commitment in providing much needed assistance to the community as a whole. As an organization, we have worked hard these past years to enhance our community partnerships but there is still work to be done within our diverse communities.

Our past work with the community demonstrates the collaborative, determined efforts to advance a corporate social responsibility program at the WIH – Fiji. The introduction of this new role will contribute positive growth, not only for the Resorts but the environment, the people and community as a whole.”