CAPTION:  Andhy Blake poses in front of  TappooCity where the Miss World Fiji selection will take place.

“I have two goals set in my mind, to help win for Fiji the Miss World crown, and to bring the Miss World event to Fiji,” said Andhy Blake.

Mr. Blake, who is the Fiji National Director of the Miss World competition, is key member of the Miss World Fiji organizing team “where we have committed our energies and talent to achieve this very achievable goal.”

“We are urging girls between the ages of 17 and 24 to enter the Miss World Fiji competition because we are searching for the one that will lead us to the Miss World crown,” he said.

Casting is being held April 25 and 26 at TappooCity where the final ten girls will be selected to compete for the “coveted” title Miss World Fiji and the all-expense trip to London for the Miss World event held in November this year.

When Mr. Blake speaks about Miss World Fiji and Miss World, with knowledge gained through years of experience as a beauty pageant expert and fashion ‘icon’

He has been a key organizer of the 2012 and 2013 Miss World Fiji competitions when he acquired the Miss World license for the country.  “Miss World Fiji is the beginning of the journey on the road to Miss World,” he said.

He coached Ms. Canterbury to Ms. World New Zealand and later the Ms. World Finals in 2008. He was international judge at Ms. South Pacific in 2010 and has dabbled in the fashion world, boasting brief stints with America’s top model and the New Zealand Fashion week.

He moved to New Zealand in 2000 and in 2002 and 2003 he was a finalist in the Wearable Art Fashion Awards. His break-through year was 2011, when Mr. Blake served on the judging panel for the Cult Couture Fashion Awards.

It was that same year that he acquired the Ms. World Fiji license on New Year’s eve before moving to Fiji in 2012 to kick start Ms. World Fiji.