Approval Granted To Award Works Contract Relating To The Nadi and Suva Road Upgrade Project

Approval has been granted to award the contract for the widening of two sections of the Kings Road in Suva, as part of the FRA’s Nadi and Suva Road Upgrade Project, to China Railway First.

The total project budget for this work is $30,400,000. A start date for the widening of these two sections is to be confirmed however, the FRA wishes to have this work underway as soon as possible.

The FRA’s Nadi and Suva Road Upgrade Project is worth more than FJD$200million and will considerably improve the routes around the country’s international airports through significant upgrading and widening work.

In Nadi this involves improvements to 12 kilometres of road, including 3.3 kilometres of new road and work in Suva will upgrade nine kilometres of road.

The planned work will reduce the congestion on the roads and improve travel times for local communities and commuters. Better roads and improved street lighting, footpaths and road drainage will make the roads safer for drivers and pedestrians. This key project will bring a boost to Fiji’s economy by improving access from the international airports to the adjacent cities and nearby areas. It will enable more economic development such as shops, houses and amenities along the highways. It will also significantly enhance the first experiences for tourists to Fiji.

Approval Granted To Award Contract For The Construction Of A New Jetty At Qarani

Approval has been granted to award the contract for the construction of a new jetty at Qarani on the island of Gau to Pacific Marine & Civil Solutions Ltd.

The total project budget for this work is $12,400,000. This is a design and build contract and the FRA and the project is set at this stage to be completed by September 2014.

The new jetty will enable better links between the mainland and surrounding islands and provide improved access to Government and healthcare facilities. It will also result in a decrease in travel times compared to the existing route and assist the economy through the transportation of goods and people.

Approval Granted For The Assignment of Work to RFMF Engineering Division

Approval has been granted by the FRA Board for its CEO and Chairman to assign works regarding rural road upgrading, emergency, bailey erection and dismantling, and bridge and crossing repairs to the Republic of Military Forces (RFMF) Engineering Division.  This assignment of work is subject to the level of delegations set out in the FRA’s Operational Manual and subject to the following conditions:

  • The volume of work shall generally only be to a level sufficient to keep the Divisional Units occupied.
  • Acceptable rates (for example in comparison to similar tendered works) are agreed.
  • That the works are managed with an appropriate level of contract documentation.
  • That guidance and supervision is provided by an appropriate FRA Consultant.

These works align with the likely need for the RFMF to be able to effect in war, peacekeeping and civil emergency situations. The RFMF have Engineering Units in each division and generally have staff and equipment (typically a bulldozer, grader, roller, excavator and trucks) necessary for road construction work.

By assigning work to the RFMF, it units will get exposure to the improved processes and standards now being implemented by the FRA and its Consultants. It will also ensure the RFMF receives the necessary work volume it needs in order to continue to maintain its skill levels and continue to grow its capability.