Animals Fiji is announcing our piloting partnership with USA based Vet Ventures with a two week long de-sexing campaign in the Western Division—including the Mamanucas, Lautoka, Ba, Tavua, Vatukola, and Rakiraki areas.

These clinics mark the first time that Vet Ventures has affiliated itself with a Fiji-based Animal Welfare organisation to provide services, although they have worked previously in Central and South America.

This partnership in conjunction with local municipalities, businesses, and community members have made it possible for Animals Fiji to offer services to remote areas that will greatly enhance the health of the animals and in turn the health of the humans in Fiji.

Dr. Jennifer Betz team leader from Vet Ventures stated, “We are very excited to be here in Fiji working with Animals Fiji to ensure that spaying and neutering can be brought directly to the communities who may not be able to travel to Nadi to receive treatment for their pets.”

Animals Fiji, based in Martintar, Nadi is the only organisation in Fiji currently providing animal welfare services outside of the Suva area, and as such is strongly reliant on developing these international partnerships, and on international donors of medications to enable us to provide services – including trying to reduce stray and roaming animal populations – to the wider population of Fiji. Note no Government funding is currently allocated for domestic animal welfare, resources are limited for the animal production industry, and City and Town Council allocation is minimal where it exists.


Animals Fiji Free De-sexing Clinics - Oct 2013 Flyer