
Friday November 13th, 2015. AFL is pleased to announce that a number of newly upgraded tenancies will open to the travelling public on Monday 16th November 2015. This is a significant step forward for the Nadi Airport Terminal Modernization Project (NATMP).

Outlets that will open to the Fijian people and the travelling public on Monday are Tappoo and Prouds duty free in departures and arrivals, Burger King and Gloria Jeans in departures, Westpac’s foreign exchange in departures and arrivals, Westpac’s main branch in arrivals concourse landside, Digicel, TTF, Rosie, Tour Managers and Pacific Destinations.

Simultaneous to the release of these tenancies in their newly upgraded spaces, the tenancies currently operating on the ground floor of departures lounge will close to allow construction works to proceed on the ground floor. However, the airline lounges will continue operations on the departures ground floor and be upgraded in stages.

We are calling the release of these tenancies to our customers as a “significant step forward” rather than a launch because the NATMP project has still got a little less than 50% of works pending to complete. We have a fair way to go. Building at an operational airport, NATMP was always planned to be delivered in stages. Nevertheless, these releases signify a significant milestone achieved. DSC_0197

We hope the Fijian people and our customers enjoy the new experiences we have created. We thank you for your patience thus far. We continue to seek your patience as we embark upon completing the NATMP project.

Whilst extensive final touch ups and defect rectification works has taken place over the last 4 months, there are still some defects that have been identified to be rectified post release of these tenancies. In the overall scheme these defects are minor. Taking a pragmatic approach a decision was made to release these tenancies to allow the Contractor to move into ground floor departures to commence upgrades there.

The new lounge furniture will arrive in a month’s time. Due to considerable uncertainty over the release dates and lack of storage facilities around to store the furniture if it arrived before this release, we had delayed shipment of the lounge furniture. So we will use the existing furniture for about a month or so and then start replacing them with new furniture as they arrive onto our shores.

We would like to thank the efforts of all key parties to the building contract. We thank all our tenants for their immense efforts in creating world class tenancy fit outs. We would also like to thank and recognise the perseverance of all AFL staff who have contributed immensely to the achievement of this milestone.