CAPTION: Investment Fiji CEO Ravuni Uluilakeba. Photo: FIJILIVE.COM.

Investment Fiji is rounding up Quarter One (1) performance with an Export Seminar which will be held on Wednesday 13th March at Outrigger on the Lagoon Resort in Sigatoka.

Investment Fiji is organising this seminar after receiving interest from farmers in the greater Sigatoka area seeking information on venturing into exports. Participants will be provided with information on what assistances are available from Government to undertake such a venture.

A number of underlying issues have been identified and will be covered at the Seminar a few of which include improving key services to Agriculture, Import Substitution and Export Finance Facility, National Export Strategy and Trade Agreements, available finance schemes and the role of Bio-Security.  Investment Fiji has also invited the Indonesian Embassy, to speak on the Indonesian Model of farming which will be delivered by Indonesian Ambassador H.E. Mr. Aidil Chandra Salim.

Invited Agencies to the Seminar include Ministry of Industry and Trade, Biosecurity Authority of Fiji, Indonesian Embassy, Fiji Development Bank, Reserve Bank of Fiji and Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Investment Fiji, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Uluilakeba says that, “From the overwhelming response received last year, Investment Fiji this year has again planned for four (4) Seminars which will be held in different centers. As a follow-up from the Seminar’s conducted last year, we feel that there are many opportunities available for farmers in the Western Division and we need to capitalize and wisely utilize the various natural resources that are available in abundance.”

He further added on to say that, “It is in this context Investment Fiji took the initiative to organize this Seminar to present some of the new developments with regards to assistances and finances available so that exporters get a feel of what is available for them and the opportunities and challenges that lies before us all”.

A total of sixty (60) participants have confirmed to participate in the Seminar tomorrow.